Friday, April 18, 2014

Liverpool wakiwa mazoezini kujiandaa na Norwich

Final countdown: Manager Rodgers chats with his captain Gerrard as the pair plan to defeat Norwich
You beauty: Suarez laps up a memorable moment during an open training session at Melwood
No nerves: Suarez and training staff including boss Rodgers savour a funny moment
Laugh it up: Luis Suarez shares a joke with his team-mates during Friday's session
Famous words: Gerrard issued a rallying cry after the victory over Man City, including this phrase
Banner it:  Liverpool boss Brendan Rodgers walks over towards one of the huge signs at Melwood
Thanks for coming: Rodgers waves and chats with the locals who have taken time to watch the team train Thanks for coming: Rodgers waves and chats with the locals who have taken time to watch the team train
What have you been up to? Rodgers surveys a plaster across Raheem Sterling's cheek Plaster: Sterling chats with Rodgers

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