Sunday, October 13, 2013

RVP amzidi Kluivert magoli kwenye timu ya taifa

Best of mates: Robin van Persie celebrates with Patrick Kluivert - the man he surpassed to become Holland's all-time record goalscorer
RVP akiwa kwenye picha ya pamoja na Patrick Kluivert, hii ni picha ya ukumbusho baina ya wachezaji hawa baada ya RVP kuifikia na kuivuka rekodi ya ufungaji wa magoli kwenye timu ya taifa ya Uholanzi. Kabla ya RVP kufunga magoli matatu wiki hii, Kluivert ndiye alikuwa anaongoza kwa kufunga jumla ya magoli 40 kwenye timu ya taifa, lakini RVP alimzidi Kluivert baada ya kufikisha magoli 41 katika mechi 79 alizocheza akiwa na timu ya taifa.

1106818 17531298 640 360 EPIC! Robin van Persie embraces Patrick Kluivert after hat trick goal, the man whose scoring record he just overtook
RVP akimrukia Kluivert kwa furaha baada ya kufunga goli la 41 
Importance: Van Persie celebrates scoring in the demolition of Hungary at the weekend
Surpassed: Kluivert was the previous top goalscorer for Holland with 40 goals

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